This Trick Brings Leftover Popcorn Back to Life with Extra Crunch

Let’s be honest: leftover popcorn is usually a disappointment. Whether it’s homemade or from the theater, those kernels go from crunchy to sad and soggy after just a few hours.
The hack comes from a 2017 segment on 'Inside Edition' that showed how to revive stale snacks like cereal, chips, and popcorn in the oven. Recently, TikTok user @anguswannnn took it a step further by using an air fryer instead, saying the oven was too bulky and energy-draining.
He followed the original oven method, heating the popcorn at 250°F for 5 minutes. After pulling the once-mushy popcorn out of the air fryer, it was as crisp as when it was first popped. But did the TikTok magic live up to the hype, or is it all a trick? We gave it a shot to find out.
Does Reheating Leftover Popcorn Actually Work?

Photo by Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images
I recently went to the movies and ended up with leftover popcorn. Normally, I’d toss it without a second thought or let it sit on the counter until it’s forgotten and eventually thrown out. But this time, I had a hack ready and was determined not to let the snack go to waste.
For reheating, I chose the air fryer since it heats up much faster than my oven. I dumped the popcorn into the 250°F basket and let it air fry for 5 minutes. I could hear the popcorn tumbling around inside, and even some of the unpopped kernels from the bottom started popping.
After air frying, the popcorn looked unchanged—no browning, no melting—it didn’t seem any different from when I put it in. But when I tried it, I couldn’t believe how crunchy it was. It tasted just like the fresh popcorn from the day before.
I definitely recommend giving this method a try. Whether you grabbed a free refill at the theater or discovered a half-eaten bag of your favorite popcorn hiding in the pantry, this trick will make your snack taste fresh again!





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