What Are Liquid Aminos and How Do They Compare to Soy Sauce?

You might have noticed bottles of liquid aminos in health food stores or spotted them in vegan or gluten-free recipes. But what exactly are they, and are they beneficial for your health?
What Are Liquid Aminos?
Liquid aminos are concentrated amino acids that come from soybeans, offering a unique alternative to traditional sauces.
Amino acids are essential components of protein. They play a key role in maintaining your overall health, especially for those on vegan or vegetarian diets.
Your body relies on 20 different amino acids to grow and function properly. Of these, 11 are non-essential, meaning your body can produce them naturally. The remaining 9 are essential, and you must obtain them from your diet.
Bragg liquid aminos, one of the most popular brands, contains a mix of 16 essential and non-essential amino acids.
What does liquid aminos taste like? It’s very similar to soy sauce, but with subtle differences. The taste is notably rich in umami, the savory, meaty flavor that adds depth to dishes.
You can use liquid aminos just like soy sauce — drizzle it over vegetables, toss it in stir-fries, or use it as a condiment to enhance the flavor of your meals.
While traditional liquid aminos are made from soybeans, some varieties are crafted from coconuts instead.
Liquid Aminos vs. Soy Sauce
Both liquid aminos and soy sauce are derived from soybeans, but soy sauce also includes wheat, meaning it’s not gluten-free like liquid aminos. Soy sauce undergoes fermentation (which adds a trace of alcohol), while liquid aminos are made without fermentation.
While both liquid aminos and soy sauce have sodium, soy sauce contains higher levels of sodium due to the added salt.
In terms of flavor, liquid aminos and soy sauce are quite similar. However, liquid aminos are less salty, smoother, and slightly sweeter. Some say they resemble tamari, a soy-based sauce, more than traditional soy sauce.
You can find liquid aminos in health food stores and major grocery chains like Whole Foods and Fresh Market.
Health Benefits of Liquid Aminos
Liquid aminos provide a rich source of amino acids. With only two ingredients — soybeans and purified water — the sauce is vegan-friendly and free from chemicals, artificial dyes, or preservatives.
Although liquid aminos contain less sodium than soy sauce, those on low-sodium diets should still use it in moderation, as each teaspoon contains 320 milligrams of naturally occurring sodium.
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