The Benefits of Being Bumped from a Flight
Having a well-filled wallet is a nice feeling. That’s exactly what I told myself after a recent journey from Dubai to Frankfurt when the crew offered me 800 euros (around US$965) to switch from business class to premium economy. The flight was oversold in business class, and I eagerly accepted the offer.
Airlines oversell flights to help keep ticket prices down for everyone, as this practice prevents empty seats. They base these decisions on historical data regarding the average number of “no-shows,” which can happen due to various reasons like last-minute changes, tardiness, or switching to different flights. When the airline’s estimates fall short, you can take advantage of the situation.
Identifying an Oversold Flight
During peak travel times like the winter holidays and long weekends in warmer months, packed flights are the norm. However, a full seat map doesn’t necessarily mean a flight is oversold. Seat maps can be misleading, as airlines often reserve seats for specific passengers, and some travelers may choose not to select a seat in advance due to associated fees. This can result in a flight appearing less occupied than it actually is, leaving you uncertain about which seats are unavailable.
Airlines often reach out to passengers through their website and app in the days leading up to a flight to seek potential volunteers, or they might ask at the airport check-in kiosks. However, this doesn’t guarantee that volunteers will be needed by departure time, as some passengers may arrive late or miss their connections. It’s wise to arrive at the gate at least one hour before departure and inform the gate agent of your interest in volunteering. Gate agents are busy and might not refer to the list of online volunteers.
You can do some research beforehand to gauge whether your flight might need extra volunteers. For instance, if tickets are still available for purchase for the same flight, it’s likely not oversold. Websites like Expert Flyer offer reliable information on how many seats remain for sale. You can also inquire with ticket agents about the oversold status of your flight; they are generally willing to provide that information. Additionally, United’s website features an “expert mode” that shows the number of available seats in each fare category, while their mobile app allows you to check cabin availability via the standby list tab.
Which Flights Are Most Likely to Be Oversold?
Flights on busy travel days, such as Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, are more prone to being oversold compared to other days. However, early morning flights often see passengers oversleeping and missing their trips. Moreover, morning travelers tend to reach their destinations more reliably, while those flying later in the day are more susceptible to a chain of issues like delays and cancellations, resulting in more passengers competing for limited seats.
In the later hours, passengers might miss connecting flights due to delays or simply not showing up. Business travel routes—like New York to Chicago or Dallas to Los Angeles—are the most frequently oversold, as corporate travelers often have last-minute changes. Airlines are aware of this trend and willingly oversell these flights to maximize occupancy. Remember: airlines lose money with empty seats.
In case of bad weather, it’s wise to arrive at the gate early, as prior flight cancellations may have led to other flights being oversold, which could improve your chances of getting bumped. If you’re traveling on a smaller regional plane, your odds of being bumped are higher, as these aircraft often have weight restrictions when taking off from shorter runways or on longer routes. For those hoping for a bump, smaller planes generally offer a better opportunity than larger ones.
What to Expect as Compensation When Bumped from a Flight
While it may seem reasonable to negotiate with a gate agent regarding compensation, their flexibility is usually limited. Airlines have publicly stated that they could offer up to $10,000 for bumps, but this is quite rare and typically only offered when no one agrees to be bumped for a lesser amount. Sometimes, agents will increase the compensation level if they don’t have enough volunteers at lower amounts. If you’re among the first to volunteer at a lower compensation tier, ensure the agent offers you the highest amount available, as this should be a condition of your volunteering.
If you wish to ask for additional perks like lounge access or meal vouchers, some agents might be willing to accommodate, but keep in mind that they answer to supervisors. Additionally, if your rescheduled flight necessitates an overnight stay, the airline will provide a hotel and meal voucher, but you may need to remind the agent about the meals.
Essential Tips for Getting Bumped
Always arrive at the gate early and politely remind the agent of your willingness to volunteer. Agents are more inclined to reroute a solo traveler over a group. Travelers who don’t have checked luggage or onward connections are usually the first chosen as volunteers, so travel light. Inform the gate agent that you’ll be nearby; if you wander off too far, they might seek another volunteer. Staying close allows you to answer any questions or consider alternate flight options when suggested. Meanwhile, research your flight alternatives, but remember that airlines like Delta and American no longer assist each other's passengers in these situations.
Airlines have become quite adept at minimizing the need to bump passengers due to extensive historical data, but with the right strategy, you could get fortunate. Always ensure that your current seat isn’t changed when volunteering; otherwise, your kind offer could leave you stuck in a middle seat at the back of the plane if they don’t need you.
This article was originally published online in 2018 and was updated most recently on October 16, 2023, to reflect current information.
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