Top 10 Activities to Keep You Engaged on a Flight
Whenever I have a long flight ahead, I always think: I’ll get a lot of work accomplished. It might not sound appealing to many travelers, but hear me out. On a plane, I’m stuck in my seat, unable to indulge in my usual distractions. Research suggests that white noise, like the hum of airplane engines, can actually boost cognitive function.
Even when I have access to Wi-Fi on a flight, I intentionally avoid connecting to it to steer clear of my usual online distractions. Using the skies as your workspace isn’t the most enticing idea for many, especially if you’re looking to escape work. With a few creative activities, you can make the most of your time in the air for productivity, enjoyment, and relaxation.
1. Strategize Your Next Adventure
There’s no better moment to organize a trip than when you’re already in travel mode. While I’m flying, I enjoy flipping to the back of the in-flight magazine to discover the airline’s destinations. Viewing routes on a map can motivate you to explore a city you might have missed. If you have Wi-Fi, you can utilize Dinogo’s Explore tool to find all the destinations available within a certain price range. You can also filter by flight duration, specific dates, or interests.
2. Organize your current journey
I like to embrace a bit of spontaneity when I travel, so I avoid planning my trips down to the minute. However, even the most meticulous planners can uncover something new about their destination while in transit. You can explore over 800 cities through Dinogo’s City Guides, featuring insider advice from locals and must-see attractions and eateries.
3. Enjoy a movie “date”
I love to lose myself in an in-flight movie when I’m traveling solo. However, when I travel with my partner, we enjoy synchronizing our in-flight entertainment for a movie date that we rarely get to have at home. There are a few ways to do this: if you’re using the seatback entertainment system, just start your films simultaneously.
If there’s Wi-Fi but no seatback system, we connect our AirPods to a single iPhone or iPad to watch together. You can do the same with a downloaded movie for offline viewing. Keep in mind that if you want to use wireless earbuds with the seatback system, you’ll need to buy an adapter or “dongle” to stream audio wirelessly.
4. Pick up a new language
You won’t master an entire language during your flight, but learning a few key phrases—especially “thank you!”—can show your respect in a foreign country. Download a language app and spend your flight brushing up on important words and phrases. Some apps require subscriptions (or sell individual courses), while others, like Duolingo and Drops, are free. If you already have some basics or can hold a conversation, watching a movie or listening to an audiobook in the local language can be a great way to refresh your skills.
5. Read (and share) your magazines
I adore my Kindle and usually have it with me, but I also enjoy the physical experience of flipping through a magazine or two. If I’m tempted by the airport newsstand on my way to the flight—and I definitely will be—I’ll indulge in the magazines and then offer them to someone nearby or a flight attendant once I’m finished. We could all use a bit of magazine goodwill.
6. Get some rest
I fully recognize that suggesting people simply sleep through their flight is much easier said than done. However, investing in some cozy sleep essentials can make it simpler. I often feel chilly on flights, so I bring along a large, soft alpaca scarf that can double as a blanket and still look stylish draped over my shoulders in the evening. An eye mask and earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can be incredibly helpful. (I skip the travel pillow because I don’t like the extra bulk, but some travelers swear by inflatable ones.)
7. Stay Active
Passing the time on a flight can actually be beneficial if you take breaks to move around. Prolonged sitting, dehydration, existing health issues, cramped seating, and other factors can increase the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a potentially life-threatening blood clot that typically forms in the leg veins and can travel to the heart or lungs.
Compression stockings don’t have to remind you of Grandma’s old beige tights; many brands offer stylish compression socks that you’d wear even without the added health benefits. Plus: if your legs tend to swell during a flight, you can take off your socks when you land and avoid any swelling!
8. Dream Big
There’s something about soaring above the earth that inspires me to think bigger than I do when I’m grounded in the daily hustle. A long-haul flight is my ideal time to set ambitious life goals, devise long-term plans, and explore creative ideas for my next steps. I carry a favorite little notebook for jotting down short-term goals and to-do lists, and I like to reserve a page at the back for creative concepts or long-term aspirations—something I can revisit when I need a reminder of my Big Ideas.
9. Engage in Competitive Crossword Puzzles (and Other Games)
I can't imagine traveling without the Scrabble app, and I'm always ready to challenge any companion to a game or two—or seven! I also enjoy crosswords, whether on paper or via an app; there are numerous competitive crossword apps perfect for lengthy flights. Word searches, sudoku, and solitaire are all excellent ways to pass the time. You might also consider downloading strategy games that drop you into a harsh wilderness where you must survive.
10. Pull Out Your Coloring Book
Grab your crayons or colored pencils. Coloring is an effective method to alleviate anxiety and stress, enhance concentration, and even improve problem-solving skills. It’s no surprise that coloring books have become immensely popular in recent years. Nervous flyers might find relief with an adult coloring book—especially if you prefer a natural alternative to anxiety medications while in the air.
How This Guide Came Together
With 20 years of work-related travel under my belt, I’ve picked up a wealth of tips and tricks for managing my workload, maintaining my sanity, and adjusting to different time zones during my many journeys between Atlanta and Kuwait—a flight lasting over 16 hours.
There’s no reason to feel bored even on the longest flights. If you’re concerned about it, consider creating an entertainment plan before you embark, or simply pack enough options to keep you engaged whenever you feel like it. For fresh ideas and assistance for your next journey, explore our blog articles on finding cheap flights, flying tips, and getting affordable last-minute flights.
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