I think we've only encountered quality that exceeds the price, but here the price exceeds the quality. There's nothing to wash, just next to the sea, there's no water, so the water in the bathroom smells rusty. When I take the shower off, there's only pine brown water. Im ejaculating, there was a thin towel that looked like it wasn't a towel. Drinking water is not provided, refrigerator is not provided, the bed is like a thin topper, not a bed. Hard like lying on the floor Plus, the blanket wasn't a good cover. That day we had a blanket in the car and didn't dare to wear it. It looked dirty. I wasn't impressed at all. To be honest, if I had the chance I would tell everyone I ran away. The price was 1000. baht per night. Auntie should consider her own accommodation as well. This price is not even close. The beach, well, it really doesn't work. The TV in the room, if it were a little bit more, would be black and white. Seriously, I want it to be renovated. If it can't be improved, then reduce the price to make it too ugly. I feel sorry for the other people who intend to stay and lose their shit. From here, if anyone comes to look at the reviews before staying, that's okay. I want to give credit to someone who has good things to share. I'm an honest reviewer and like to travel. I rarely leave one-star reviews anywhere. Seriously, if it's not really sick, look at the condition, everyone.