Mittelstraße 12, 49770 Dohren, Germany
1. Located in the heart of the German countryside
2. Close to landmarks like Hahnenmoor and Haselünner Wacholderhain
3. Cozy rooms with traditional German decor
4. Free Wi-Fi and parking available
5. Convenient access to local public transport
6. Nearby restaurants offering a variety of cuisines
7. Only 10 minutes from the Freilicht- und Heimatmuseum Haselünne
8. Family-friendly with nearby attractions like Streichelzoo im Comfort Camping
9. Health and safety measures in place for guest well-being
10. Rustic charm and rural tranquility perfect for relaxation
5.6 Good
Location rating
Top sights
Nearest locations
Location rating | 5.6 |
Nearest airport | Münster Osnabrück International Airport |
Travel time to airport | 1 hr 7 min |
Mittelstraße 12, 49770 Dohren, Germany
Bremen Airport
Taxi: 1 hr 32 min
Transit: 4 hr 46 min
Münster Osnabrück International Airport
Taxi: 1 hr 7 min
Transit: 4 hr 17 min
Dohren(Emsld) Schützenstraße
Walking: 11 min
Good Location
100% reviews from partners and customers booking on Dinogo
3 reviews
Stanislav Salai
Jens Bruno Uschkoreit