A Professional Chef's Tip for Keeping Pesto Vibrant and Green

There’s nothing quite like the fresh burst of flavor when you bite into basil leaves. This herb shines in countless dishes, whether it’s in a Caprese salad, sprinkled on pizza, or muddled into a cocktail. For those of us who grow basil at home, even in a small pot on a windowsill, it's incredibly convenient to have it on hand for adding that fresh, aromatic flavor to any meal.
One of the best ways to enjoy basil is in pesto—a sauce from Genoa, Italy made with basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, salt, and Parmesan. Not only is this sauce rich in flavor, but it’s also quick and easy to make. Simply blend most of the ingredients in a food processor, slowly stream in olive oil while mixing, and for an even smoother consistency, you can add ice cubes at the end. In no time, you’ll have homemade pesto!
The Secret to Keeping Pesto Green
But how can you keep pesto tasting fresh and its color vivid after making it? To find out how to create the best pesto and preserve its vibrant green hue, we turned to Billy Parisi, a professional chef who recently shared his pesto-making tips in a Reel. Billy is not only a culinary expert known for his homemade recipes, but also the go-to cooking guru for my 16-year-old nephew when he’s whipping up dinner for his family.
“To make pesto that’s bursting with flavor, my tips are to toast the pine nuts, use high-quality olive oil, and season generously with coarse salt,” advises Parisi.
When preparing pesto, Parisi likes to pulse the ingredients together in a food processor before adding the olive oil. This helps break down the basil right from the start. He also notes that while some people swear by using a mortar and pestle, the way the basil leaves tear in a food processor actually intensifies the flavor, giving the pesto a richer basil-forward taste.
There’s a popular belief that adding an ice cube is the trick to keeping pesto green, but Parisi has a different secret ingredient that does the job even better.
“Lemon juice is my secret weapon for preserving the basil’s vibrant color,” reveals Parisi. “It not only keeps the pesto fresh, but also adds depth and balance to the flavor, making it my go-to ingredient.”
If you haven’t used all your pesto within a couple of days, don’t worry—you can freeze it for later. Or, to revive it after it’s been sitting for a while, Parisi recommends adding a handful of fresh basil leaves, some extra cheese, a drizzle of olive oil, and a pinch of salt. “You might also need to squeeze in a bit of fresh lemon juice to bring it back to life,” he says.
How does a chef incorporate his own homemade pesto into meals?
“I love using pesto with fresh pasta and seasonal tomatoes, or as a finishing touch for lasagna, bolognese, or chicken,” Parisi shares. “A little goes a long way.”





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