Is Chicken Sausage a Healthy Option?
Chicken sausage is a tasty and convenient alternative to pork sausage, known for its ability to retain flavor. Many home cooks choose it for health or dietary reasons, but does that make it truly healthy, or is it simply a leaner option? Read on to explore the nutritional benefits and drawbacks of chicken sausage, its role in a healthy diet, and the potential health risks of the nitrates used in its preservation.
Chicken Sausage vs. Pork Sausage
Nutritionally, chicken sausage outshines pork sausage. Since red meats like pork can increase the risk of heart disease or colon cancer, chicken, a white meat, offers a safer alternative. Chicken sausage is generally lower in fat and sodium than pork sausage, and depending on the brand, it may also be less processed. Additionally, chicken sausage typically provides slightly more protein than pork sausage, according to Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN at A Taste of Health, LLC.
The main concerns with chicken sausage are not in the meat itself, but in the nitrates used for preservation. Like pork sausage, chicken sausage may also contain added sugars, artificial colorants, and high levels of nitrates, which could pose health risks over time.
What Are Nitrates?
Nitrates are compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen. They naturally occur in certain vegetables and are even produced by the human body. In processed meats like sausage and bacon, nitrates are commonly used as preservatives. However, consuming them in these forms can be harmful. According to Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN, 'Nitrates and nitrites added to processed meats prevent bacterial growth and enhance taste and color, but when heated during cooking or even upon contact with saliva, they can convert into nitrosamines, a compound linked to an increased cancer risk.'
As a result, choosing sausage products that are free from added nitrates or nitrites could be a healthier choice, especially considering improvements in food safety practices that have made such preservation methods less necessary.
Is Any Sausage Healthy?
It is possible to find healthier options for chicken sausage that contain fewer added ingredients. For example, organic and locally sourced sausages with minimal preservatives can be better choices. As Heather Hanks, nutritionist at USA Rx, explains, 'If the sausage comes from pasture-raised animals raised without antibiotics, hormones, or chemicals, and is free from added sugars and nitrates, it's OK to enjoy.'
Ultimately, sausages are high in sodium, preservatives, and other additives like nitrates, which should be considered when consuming them. According to Hotz, 'The best option for a healthier sausage is either to make your own or choose a brand that focuses on using leaner meats and natural spices.' The simplest way to enjoy sausage without compromising a healthy diet is to eat it in moderation and less frequently.
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