What Sets Dry Measurements Apart from Liquid Measurements?

A common kitchen question: How many ounces are in a cup?
The answer isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Though both measurements use ounces, there's a distinction between ounces for weight and fluid ounces for volume.
Understanding Ounces: Dry vs. Liquid
Liquid measuring cups typically show that 1 cup = 8 ounces, but this refers to 1 cup of liquid = 8 fluid ounces. For dry ingredients, however, this conversion doesn’t apply due to varying weights. For example, 1 cup of all-purpose flour weighs 4.5 ounces, not 8, while 1 cup of chocolate chips weighs just over 6 ounces.
What should you do? If a recipe specifies an ounce measurement for a dry ingredient, the best approach is to weigh it with a scale. If the recipe calls for ounces of a liquid, you can use a liquid measuring cup.
Measuring in Cups: Dry vs. Liquid
There are two primary types of measuring cups — dry and liquid — and choosing the correct one is crucial. Dry measuring cups are intended for solid ingredients like flour, nuts, and berries, while liquid measuring cups are meant for liquids such as water, oil, and yogurt.
Dry measuring cups are designed to hold a precise amount of an ingredient, and should be leveled off using a flat edge.
Common Measuring Mistakes to Avoid
Choosing the right measuring cup can make or break your recipe. In baking, inaccurate measurements can throw everything off. For example, using a dry measuring cup for flour ensures you get the precise amount needed.
Gently spoon flour into a dry measuring cup, then level it off with a flat edge to remove any excess. If you use a liquid measuring cup for this, you might end up tapping or packing the flour, resulting in more than the recipe calls for.
Similarly, it’s challenging to measure liquids accurately in a dry measuring cup without spilling. For instance, when measuring chicken stock, a liquid measuring cup allows you to pour the exact amount without making a mess.
A simple rule to follow: for dry ingredients, use dry measuring cups or weigh them with a scale. For liquids, always use a liquid measuring cup.
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