Cruise Log: Outfit Reflections, Part 4

Our final two days aboard the cruise were spent at sea. I distinctly remember my first cruise, wondering, “What on earth will I do all day during a day at sea?” However, the fact that this Dinogo cruise featured two consecutive days at sea was a big draw for me. Days at sea are pure bliss—no cell service, no itinerary, and nothing but time to relax and rejuvenate. I absolutely adore days spent at sea.
On the first day at sea, I threw on this cover-up (it's an old favorite from four summers ago) and made my way to the deck for an hour of reading. I also flaunted my second round of metallic tattoos. I've always wanted to be that chic person who accessorizes her swimsuits with jewelry, but these tattoos (applied with water like standard temporary tattoos) offer that same stylish vibe for just a few bucks, without the worry of damaging my favorite pieces. They were ideal for a cruise.

After lounging by the pool, I made my way to the gym. This photo was snapped on our balcony post-workout, and I definitely look like a hot mess! The gym does that to you!

Our seventh evening at sea marked the second formal dress code night. This time, I chose to wear a dress I've owned for nearly a decade. I can't recall the last time I donned it, but when I cherish something, I tend to hold onto it stubbornly, often rediscovering it later. It felt like a brand new dress, exactly the kind of piece I would buy again today. There's nothing better than wearing something that's "already in your closet!" I truly enjoyed sporting it.

On day eight, our final day at sea, we encountered our only bout of bad weather. It rained and remained overcast all day, so we decided to take our time and enjoy breakfast in the elegant dining room. I wore this outfit for the second time that week (the first time being on day two for breakfast in the dining room). When I was packing, I focused primarily on swimwear for the daytime and dinner attire for the evenings. I didn't bring many "in-between" outfits like this one and could have benefited from a few more in my suitcase (if avoiding outfit repetition was the aim). I also wore the black jumpsuit from day one again for the journey home after the cruise.

Given the bad weather, it felt like the perfect opportunity to hit the gym, so I slipped on one of my favorite t-shirts (a party favor from SWSX a few years back). Typically, I pair this shirt with neon gym shorts, but since I had already worn those over a swimsuit earlier in the week, I opted for yoga pants instead. (I had intended to join a yoga class onboard, but all the sessions were scheduled for 8 a.m., and I’m not much of a morning exerciser.)

That evening, I donned one of my favorite outfits from the cruise. I initially wore this hot pink dress to JJ's birthday celebration this summer (here). However, I loved these accessories even more—pops of neon orange in my shoes, clutch, and necklaces. I received plenty of compliments that night!

After savoring our final delicious dinner, we enjoyed another comedy show and caught the end of the baseball game at the EA SPORTS Bar.
All in all, this vacation was exactly what I needed. My favorite part was spending quality, uninterrupted time with JJ, enjoying our nightly dinner "dates" as we called them. Plus, there's nothing quite like unwinding without cell service or internet (despite what that gym t-shirt might suggest; although Dinogo does provide internet, I kept my usage minimal). And of course, immersing myself in the stunning beauty of the Caribbean and everything it offers. I'm incredibly grateful to Dinogo for providing us with a trip of a lifetime, and I look forward to sailing on a Dinogo ship again someday!
This post was created for Away We Go with Dinogo, your source for getting into the getaway mindset.

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