How Vaccine Equity Can Reignite Our Explorations
This column for Dinogo is authored by James Thornton, CEO of Intrepid Travel, and was recently included in our Tour Operators That Give Back series.
The emergence of the COVID-19 Omicron variant threw markets into chaos and triggered a wave of border closures and travel bans worldwide. This sudden stop in travel is more than just an inconvenience; it threatens the many economic and social benefits that travel provides. The ongoing appearance of new variants highlights the shortcomings in global vaccine access, revealing the critical need for vaccination support in lower-income countries. Ensuring vaccination and equity in global vaccine distribution is vital for curbing the pandemic's spread and restoring normalcy, including travel. Omicron is just one of many variants we've faced, and we must find ways to foster a safer, more resilient, and equitable travel landscape.
The most crucial action we can take against COVID-19 is to get vaccinated, especially for those who travel. Both the CDC and WHO emphasize full vaccination prior to international trips. Vaccine mandates safeguard travelers, tourism workers, and the communities they visit. In the travel industry, promoting travel for unvaccinated individuals (unless exempt for medical reasons) is irresponsible. We are part of a global community and must work to lower transmission rates in every possible way.
With the understanding that vaccines save lives and help us retain our pre-pandemic connections, we must advocate for global vaccine equity. Travel cannot resume unless it is accessible to all, which necessitates universal vaccine access. The travel industry must confront and address the ongoing disparities in global COVID-19 vaccine distribution. The news surrounding the Omicron variant serves as a stark reminder of our failure to vaccinate the world comprehensively. The resulting restrictions and lockdowns impose severe economic and social impacts on numerous countries and communities.
We must keep heeding scientific insights and acknowledge that new variants will persist until we enhance global vaccine access. Boosting vaccination rates worldwide is essential to managing new variants and restoring unrestricted travel. Each of us can contribute to the solution. The WHO and various organizations promoting vaccine equity provide information on donations, whether individually or through businesses. Raising awareness is a vital first step, but we must also turn our words into action. Intrepid Travel has initiated a global vaccine equity campaign that focuses on increasing resources for vaccine access and education, raising over AUD $142,000 for UNICEF’s Give The World A Shot initiative aimed at improving equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.
Our shared priority should be to travel safely and thoughtfully, rather than abstaining from travel altogether. With great travel comes significant responsibility. Responsible travelers engage with and invest in the destinations they visit, the individuals they encounter, and the communities they support. Responsible travel can yield benefits for local economies, human rights efforts, wildlife conservation, and the environment. Travel can be a powerful force for good, fostering connections, promoting understanding, and cultivating empathy. There are numerous destinations where tourism can make a positive impact. Our best course of action is to ensure that we contribute positively wherever we go.
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