Travel Like a Mother

In celebration of traveling moms everywhere, here are the essential travel tips we've gathered from our mothers to help us explore the world confidently.
1. Always prepare in advance.
Whether embarking on a business trip or a family getaway, your mom understands the importance of preparation. It's essential to chart your course from the airport to the hotel and make transportation decisions beforehand. Don’t forget to plan out restaurants and attractions you wish to visit. Also, set alerts for flights to ensure you're getting the best prices (mom raised a smart traveler).
2. Engage with strangers.
While we learned about “stranger danger,” moms understand the importance of connecting with locals when exploring a new country. Whether it's getting tips on the best gelato in Rome or finding the ideal fishing boat to Playa Blanca, asking the locals is the key to discovering the best recommendations.
3. Keep the essentials in your carry-on.
You know to travel light, but there are some essentials your mom taught you not to overlook. Pack extra underwear, your medications, a toothbrush, and snacks in your carry-on or personal item. This way, if your luggage goes missing, you’ll have the necessities until you can replace what you need. Plus, having snacks saves both time and money when hunger strikes during your journey.
4. Learn basic first aid.
Parents know that bumps and scrapes are part of life. Mom taught us to always bring a small first aid kit on trips because you never know when a bandage or some antibiotic ointment might come in handy.
5. Trulyembrace your vacation.
You can't capture that perfect Kodak moment with your face buried in your iPad. Whether you decide to leave your phone behind or take a break from your devices for a few hours while exploring, mom taught us that to fully engage with your travels, you need to unplug. With many phones now offering digital wellbeing settings, consider setting limits on your most-used apps or dimming your screen to resist the urge to scroll.
6. Indulge in the sweet treats.
It's a simple rule: ice cream for lunch. Mom knows that when you’re on vacation, sometimes you need to break the rules. This could mean enjoying midday movies, cruising through busy streets in a tuk-tuk without seatbelts, or even making ice cream a part of your main meals. The joy of travel lies in stepping away from your usual routine.
7. Understand your limits.
Your mom likely intervened when you attempted a Superman dive off the fridge or set up a wobbly ramp for your bike. Just like in life, travel encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, but it’s crucial to know your limits. Don’t attempt to drive the Amalfi Coast if you struggle with heights. Avoid trying hormigas culonas (roasted ants) in Colombia if your stomach is sensitive. Acknowledge your boundaries and respect them; not every adventure needs to transform you. Mom loves you just the way you are (if only you would heed her advice more often).
What did you give mom for Mother’s Day? Next year, surprise her with something she truly desires, like a trip (within your budget, so she knows you're being sensible).
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