Sundstraat 31, 23769 Fehmarn, Germany
1. Located in a tranquil rural setting in Fehmarn, Germany.
2. Spacious and well-equipped rooms with a homey feel.
3. Free Wi-Fi and self-catering kitchen for guests' convenience.
4. Easy access to local attractions, including Fehmarn Sound Bridge and Südstrand beach.
5. Nearby dining options offering German, seafood, and Italian cuisine.
6. Proximity to Fehmarn-Burg and Avendorf Am Reisediek public transport stations.
7. Ideal for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful escape.
8. Health and safety measures in place for guest well-being.
9. Parking available for guests, adding convenience to the stay.
10. Perfect location for exploring Fehmarn Island and its natural beauty.
7.0 Very Good
Location rating
Top sights
Nearest locations
Location rating | 7.0 |
Nearest airport | Luebeck |
Travel time to airport | 1 hr 12 min |
Sundstraat 31, 23769 Fehmarn, Germany
Rostock–Laage Airport
Taxi: 2 hr 23 min
Transit: 5 hr 49 min
Taxi: 1 hr 12 min
Transit: 3 hr 11 min
Avendorf Am Reisediek - Fehmarn
Walking: 3 min
Taxi: 10 min
Walking: 1 hr 15 min
Very Good Location
100% reviews from partners and customers booking on Dinogo
5 reviews
Yvonne Laing
Andreas Allenstein
Wolfgang Kretzer
Prospérin Tsialonina
Chad P