11 Unique Christmas Traditions from Around the Globe
Season's greetings to all! Interested in exploring some fun (and quirky) Christmas traditions from different cultures? Pour yourself a glass of egg nog, grab a mince pie, and let’s get started.
From one country’s love for KFC to another’s tradition of carving radishes, there are countless unique Christmas customs to uncover. Here are 11 festive traditions to celebrate in 2023 from various nations:
Christmas Traditions to Celebrate in 2023
1. German Christmas Traditions
Christmas in Germany is truly enchanting. The chilly winter air pairs beautifully with cinnamon-spiced stollen, warming up with mulled wine, known as Glühwein, and exploring historic Christmas markets.
One particularly beloved tradition in Germany that delights children involves leaving their (preferably clean) shoes and boots outside their bedroom doors for Santa to fill. If they’ve been nice throughout the year, they receive sweets; if not, they get a piece of wood. Ouch!
2. Italian Christmas Traditions
While Santa Claus may not be as prominent in Italy as in other European countries, he does make occasional appearances. A local custom features Santa delegating some of his gift-giving duties to a ‘kind yet quirky’ old witch named Befana (‘giver of gifts’).
On the eve of January 5th (Epiphany), families leave a plate of spiced sausage and a glass of wine for Befana. It’s said that she enjoys these offerings after arriving on her flying broomstick and entering homes through the chimney.
3. Norwegian Christmas Traditions
In Norway, folklore tells of malevolent spirits and witches that come to visit on Christmas Eve to frighten families. To ward them off, it’s customary to hide all the brooms in the house, preventing witches from flying around and dropping by other homes.
Another Norwegian tradition, which is much more cheerful, is ‘Little Christmas’. Celebrated on December 23rd, this day is dedicated to preparing for the big celebration two days later. Each person has their own special ritual, whether it’s adorning the home with twinkling lights or baking delicious gingerbread houses.
4. Venezuelan Christmas Traditions
If you enjoy gliding around town on roller skates, you’ll appreciate this unique Venezuelan custom. In the capital, Caracas, it’s a tradition for people to travel to Christmas church services on roller skates. It’s certainly a fun alternative to being stuck in traffic!
In the week leading up to Christmas, the city features a beloved daily church service known as Misa de Aguinaldo (Early Morning Mass). The popularity of roller skating to these services has led to some roads being closed until about 8 a.m. to ensure a safe path. This tradition has gained such traction that many now view roller skating as Venezuela’s equivalent to sledding.
5. French Christmas Traditions
Looking for a Christmas custom with a touch of French charm? One of the most delightful is the Pere Noel postcards—a festive twist on sending letters to Santa.
Since 1962, France has enacted a law ensuring that every child who sends a letter receives a response. Allegedly, a dedicated team of elves (or postal workers and volunteers) works diligently throughout November and December to reply to every letter with a cheerful postcard. Then, the postmen of France deliver Santa’s ‘responses’. How sweet is that?
6. Polish Christmas Traditions
In Poland, a special Christmas tradition relies on perfect timing. The festive celebrations kick off on Christmas Eve when locals come together to share oplatek, a traditional unleavened wafer that has been enjoyed for over 300 years.
Before the wafer can be broken and shared, night must fall and the first star must appear in the sky. As people partake in this wafer, they typically wish each other a Merry Christmas. Only then is dinner served, marking the official start of the festivities.
7. Irish Christmas Traditions
Indeed, Ireland boasts its own unique festive customs. One of the most peculiar is Wren’s Day, known as ‘Lá an Dreoilín’ in Irish. Celebrated on December 26th (St. Stephen’s Day), this tradition has deep historical roots.
Wren’s Day is believed to stem from Celtic mythology, where people would venture out to hunt for a wren, known as the ‘king of the birds’. Once captured, the bird would be placed atop a beautifully decorated pole, and a group of mummers dressed in straw costumes would parade it through town.
These groups were known as ‘wrenboys’, and they would go door to door in their villages, performing songs and dances while collecting donations for charitable causes. A version of this tradition continues to thrive today in Dingle, Co. Kerry.
8. Austrian Christmas Traditions
In Austria, children are advised to behave well during the holiday season to avoid being taken away by Krampus, a horned creature known for his frightening appearance. This mythical figure serves as a counterpart to Father Christmas, who rewards well-behaved kids with treats and toys.
On December 5th, Krampusnacht, numerous men dress as the half-goat demon and parade through the streets of Austria and some neighboring countries, wielding sticks and frightening children. This event is especially popular in the alpine villages near Salzburg and Tyrol.
9. Catalonian Christmas Traditions
Spain’s Catalonia region, with Barcelona at its center, prides itself on its distinct identity, especially when it comes to Christmas traditions. One of the most unusual features a wooden log adorned with a face that 'produces' presents as children sing to it.
This quirky custom is known as the Tió de Nadal (Christmas Log), which is traditionally introduced after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Kids are invited to feed the log bits of food and wrap it in a warm blanket.
On Christmas Eve, once Tió has enjoyed its treats, children take turns beating it with sticks. Following this ritual, the log is expected to 'release' candies, nuts, and sweets.
10. Japanese Christmas Traditions
While Christmas isn’t a national holiday in Japan, the Japanese have crafted their own unique Christmas tradition. In 1974, KFC launched an advertising campaign called “Christmas Chicken” after some visitors found themselves at KFC on December 25th, struggling to locate a turkey.
The campaign turned out to be a massive hit. Since then, KFC outlets across Japan have been serving complete Christmas feasts that include chicken, champagne, cake, and wine. This tradition has gained such popularity that KFC even organizes Christmas parades, and customers must make reservations at least two weeks in advance.
11. Mexican Christmas Traditions
You might be familiar with Mexico’s Day of the Dead, but have you heard of the Night of the Radishes? Each year on December 23rd, the city of Oaxaca hosts this uniquely named event where locals engage in a vegetable carving competition.
The competition becomes quite intense, with participants creating intricate nativity scenes, Christmas trees, and even monsters from oversized radishes! This tradition attracts large crowds from surrounding towns and villages to admire the displays. Dating back to 1897, it was inspired by local market sellers who carved their produce into various shapes to attract buyers. Why not consider a radish-carving contest with a swede or potato this Christmas?
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