The 'golden boy' mummy was discovered covered in 49 valuable amulets

Around 2,300 years ago in Egypt, a teenage boy was mummified, with 49 protective amulets and a golden mask placed on him to aid his journey to the afterlife.
Using advanced CT scans, researchers uncovered the amulets that were carefully placed on and inside the mummified 'golden boy,' digitally unwrapping the body without causing any damage.
The mummified remains were initially discovered in 1916 at the Nag el-Hassay cemetery in southern Egypt, a site that dates back to between 332 BC and 30 BC. Thousands of mummies, many still in their original coffins, were unearthed during excavations in the 19th and early 20th centuries and later moved to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Like many of the other finds, the mummy was left largely untouched after its discovery and stored away in the museum's basement.

While scientists are eager to understand ancient human health, death customs, and beliefs in ancient Egypt, physically unwrapping mummies is a destructive procedure. To avoid this, CT scans have become a non-invasive method for examining the bodies without causing harm.
The 'golden boy' was laid to rest in two nested coffins. The outer coffin was simple, marked with Greek inscriptions, while the inner wooden sarcophagus featured intricate patterns and a gilded face.
During the scan, researchers identified 49 amulets with 21 distinct designs, including a golden tongue placed in the mouth and a golden heart scarab positioned in the chest, both thought to assist in the soul’s journey to the afterlife.
The young boy, estimated to be around 14 or 15 years old, was adorned with a gilded head mask set with stones and a protective cartonnage covering his torso. His organs were removed, except for his heart, and his brain was replaced with resin.
Journey to the afterlife
The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, but reaching it was a perilous journey through the underworld. Embalmers meticulously prepared the bodies for this journey, and the golden boy was well-prepared for his passage, as detailed in a study published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.

Dr. Sahar Saleem, a professor at Cairo University, explained that the mummy was adorned with 49 amulets arranged in three columns, nestled between the wrappings and within the body cavity. These included the Eye of Horus, scarab, akhet amulet, placenta, Knot of Isis, and more. Many were made of gold, while others were crafted from semi-precious stones, fired clay, or faience. The purpose of these amulets was to safeguard the body and provide vitality for the afterlife.
White sandals were placed on his feet, and his body was surrounded by ferns.

Dr. Saleem noted that the sandals were likely intended to allow the boy to walk out of the coffin. According to the ancient Egyptian ritual Book of the Dead, wearing white sandals symbolized piety and cleanliness before reciting its verses. The Egyptians also placed plants and flowers beside the deceased, believing they carried sacred, symbolic meanings.
While the scans couldn't determine the cause of death, they revealed that the boy was 4.2 feet (128 centimeters) tall, with an oval-shaped face, small nose, and a narrow chin.
Though his identity remains a mystery, the boy's well-maintained teeth, high-quality mummification, and the presence of amulets suggest that he came from a wealthy and high-status background, according to the study.

The golden tongue amulet placed in the boy's mouth was intended to enable speech in the afterlife. The Isis Knot amulet symbolized the goddess Isis's protection over his body. Amulets featuring falcons and ostrich plumes represented both spiritual and material aspects of existence.
A two-finger amulet, shaped like the index and middle fingers of the right hand, was discovered in the boy's lower torso, placed to protect the embalming incision. Additionally, a golden scarab beetle was believed to assist in navigating the perilous underworld.

Dr. Saleem explained that the heart scarab, mentioned in chapter 30 of the Book of the Dead, played a vital role in the afterlife. It was used during the judgment of the deceased, when the heart was weighed against the feather of the goddess Maat. The heart scarab would silence the heart on Judgment Day, preventing it from testifying against the deceased. It was placed in the torso cavity during mummification to act as a substitute if the heart was missing.
By analyzing data from CT scans, researchers were able to 3D-print an accurate replica of the heart scarab.
The golden boy has been relocated to the main exhibition hall of the Egyptian Museum, where he will be displayed alongside CT images and a replica of the heart scarab, offering a deeper understanding of the mummification process and ancient Egyptian death rituals.
The researchers stated that the purpose of the display was to humanize this individual from the past and educate modern audiences about life in ancient times.





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