Let me start by saying that a friend of mine went in my place, since I got sick. I report his words below. "I usually don't write reviews, but the indecency of the pillows forces me to write. The excuses I was given (the pillows were like this only in my room, according to them they clean the island once a month, raise the already high price for installing a desalination plant, the control of wildlife to protect it from ingesting poisoned mice, they don't know of home stays that cost 35-50 euros with their services, well I do) they are an insult to my intelligence, so please avoid. The pillows are full of mold and stains, smelly and sticky. Who knows how long they have been like this since they are BLACK. Of course the place is remote, without fresh water with a lot of humidity. These are explanations that a homestay can give me local but I don't accept them from a lodge with European managers who go to town more or less every day and occasionally might take the mosquito nets, pillows, sheets, pillowcases and towels to a laundry if they can't wash them properly. And instead they put a pillowcase over those shameful pillows. This says it all about the respect they have for their guests and the management of the place. Looking carefully, many things were dirty (I repeat, the managers are European and should have a different standard): under the bed it is not swept, above the top shelves it is full of sand, the mosquito net is all stained, the fan (between the (other unusable because tiny) is all encrusted with dead midges and other black dirt. For 80 euros a night I ask for the essentials: a clean bed and bathroom.They have a problem with mice (as obviously the island is not virgin) which they kill with poison, regardless of wild animals such as birds of prey and reptiles which can then feed on the poisoned mice and die.The quantity of food is small, as if they wanted to save money (I speak for myself, perhaps other people find it sufficient).I didn't do any activities with them by choice because they didn't offer anything new to what I'd already seen previously and the price was still higher than elsewhere.The water in the bathroom in the room is salty, for the price they ask they should equip themselves with a desalinator. It's salty, not slightly salty as they would have you believe. The degree of salinity varies slightly depending on the tide. And during the time I was there it often rained, so it doesn't depend on the rain. In local homestays where there is no fresh water they often go to get it from the springs, here they tell you that we are on an island in the middle of the ocean and so they wash their hands of it. By the way, it isn't even mentioned on their official website, so one arrives and is in for a surprise.The island on which the Lodge is located, which they advertise as deserted on their official website, is not deserted at all (the adjective desert in Italian means uninhabited, I don't know if it has the same meaning in French): on the opposite side there are three settlements, some of them are employees, but there are also other families.Furthermore, the island is full of plastic not only in the bush but also on the beach.I have been coming to Raja since 2009, I am currently in Raja for a year, I know the inconveniences of living in a "remote" place and all the problems. So I can say that this property is way overrated.